Civil Engineering is LRC’s core service discipline and is expressed by the wide diversity of roles we play in the design and development process.  The strength of leadership and experience of our lead professionals gives us some significant attributes:

  • An ability to generate and evaluate site planning and development scenarios quickly and early in the project process. This creates significant opportunities for our clients to make timely and well informed decisions that affect project outcome and costs.
  • The willingness to conceptualize strategies and solutions for stormwater management and other site utilities concurrent with development concepts. By looking at stormwater and utility considerations early, we are able to integrate them more fully within the fabric of the site design. Sustainability of systems is enhanced in this manner
  • Strong project leadership in the areas of local, state and federal land use permitting processes. Our experience in a diversity of locations and project types enables us to be very proactive in strategies for permitting processes and communications with review agencies and commissions.
  • While more traditional engineering projects such as utility systems, roadways, and sited development plans may rely on engineering staff exclusively, by collaborating with our other professional services, our civil engineering staff is able to provide our clients with a multi-disciplined team suited to the individual project type and needs.